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About Us

As a mum of two very energetic boys have always been looking for creative simple natural toys to spark the interest for imaginative play. 

I remember in the early days of first pregnancy the confusion going into my first toy store to buy some toys for my little one. I have definitely bought toys before that time for friends but until that moment, I didn't realized how much of a minefield the toy industry is. Would I just dive in and buy all the flashy things that caught my adult eyes or there's something more in this? 

This is how I become interested in the Montessori and Waldorf approach to education. Although I love aspects from both I don't think one method fits all and combining elements from both can cover a child's whole spectrum of educational needs.

From here, the mission of finding the "right" toys was born. Here at Nocchio we've searched the internet far and wide so you don't have to.  


“Play is the most serious undertaking of a child’s life. Children are completely entrained in play. The three parts of the mind; thought, feeling, action - every aspect of the child is focused totally on the activity of absorbing their world. They are literally building their construction of the knowledge of the world, of themselves, of their relationships and laying down the foundations for all later forms of intelligence“

Joseph Chilton Pearce



 What does Nocchio mean? 

One of my favorite characters as a child was Pinocchio

    The moral of the story: if you are brave and truthful, and you listen to your conscience, you will find salvation, has impacted my childhood in a positive way and who doesn't identify with the little toy at some point in their childhood ?